Sermons on The Gospel (Page 2)
A Finger or a Hand (Ministers of Reconciliation)
CD872; If we have been reconciled to God, we are called to be ambassadors to the world. Are we extending a hand of mercy, or are we pointing a finger of judgment?
Becoming A pillar in the Church
CD871; There are different types of people in the Church. Some are floaters and, some are critical but, we need to be pillars in the Church.
Strive to Enter In
CD869; Much like training for a triathlon, we must dedicate ourselves to following Christ. If we do not live according to the life of Christ we cannot expect to enter in.
Perfection in the Eyes of God
CD865; If we are resisting God’s direction for us, we will miss the goal of perfection in our lives through God. We should base our lives off of the example of Jesus’ life and be in total submission.
The Fire of Persecution
The End of the Broad Way #1
CD 857
How Great A Salvation
CD854; God wants us to have an urgency to becoming clear with God and repenting for our sins, but our human nature tends to push these things aside.
The Ekklesia Church Assembly Part 2
CD852 Jesus specifically told us to take up our yokes and follow Him. We should have a dependance on Him like sheep do to a shepherd.
The Greatest King
CD 851. There have been some very great rulers but, none of them are as great as Jesus Christ who will reign forever.
Why we Need the Cross
CD 849 The cross is an object of continuous spiritual death by our choice. We must daily be taking up our cross, choosing to follow Christ’s example.
Ekklesia (Part 1)
What is the Church
God Needs Faithful Men
CD 845 Without faith it is impossible to please God, with faith we have the hope of eternal life with Him.
Faithfulness Where God has Planted Me
CD 843 We should be faithful where God has planted us, even if there seems to be no hope. Our dreams and ambitions are not always what God wants us to do.
Whose Church Is It?
CD842 Each Church has its own culture. Culture is not wrong. You will have it but, we need to learn to work together.
The Conscience of Man
CD834 – God gave us a conscience, but it can be seared with a hot iron, or can be oversensitive. – We need it to be sensitive to what God wants us to be sensitive to, but not in an oversensitive way.
Brethren in Unity
CD #832 (We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12)
Humbling ourselves to God.
CD831. Humbling ourselves to God. We need Humility to walk with God, we need Humility when we have done our all and then get criticized, as Christians we must have Humility. Jesus said, take my yoke upon me and learn of me for I am meek and lowly.
Water of Life
Girding up the loins of your Mind.
CD828 Allowing our wives/family or other people to speak into our lives, and Learning to Submit to Authority and trusting, and believing, and embracing God’s Truth. Are some Key element to Girding up the loins of your Mind.
Troubled Waters
Cd 827