Sermons on Spiritual Growth (Page 4)
Ask, Seek, Knock
CD 840 By following these things it can bring us closer to God, He is waiting for us to come to Him. We must give Him our all.
A Vision For Life
CD838 If we want to walk with God, we need to be at a place where we can see the holiness of God and our own undoneness.
The Conscience of Man
CD834 – God gave us a conscience, but it can be seared with a hot iron, or can be oversensitive. – We need it to be sensitive to what God wants us to be sensitive to, but not in an oversensitive way.
Humbling ourselves to God.
CD831. Humbling ourselves to God. We need Humility to walk with God, we need Humility when we have done our all and then get criticized, as Christians we must have Humility. Jesus said, take my yoke upon me and learn of me for I am meek and lowly.
Sitting Walking and Standing Part 2
CD829 Standing against the wiles of the devil, he tries to draw us away from God. The devil knows our strong and weak points and uses them to his advantage.
Girding up the loins of your Mind.
CD828 Allowing our wives/family or other people to speak into our lives, and Learning to Submit to Authority and trusting, and believing, and embracing God’s Truth. Are some Key element to Girding up the loins of your Mind.
Sitting, Walking, Standing
Have you found rest in giving everything to God? When we bring all our cares to Jesus we can move on in our spiritual walk!
Unconditional Love
CD 824 Unconditional Love, is a love that is given fully to others without expecting anything in return.
The Root of Sin and Wickedness
CD822 The Root of Sin and Wickedness is the I will attitude… Let’s have our hearts surrendered to Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.
The Gain Of Contentment
CD 821 Godliness with contentment is great gain. If we have contentment we will not struggle with lust, coveting, and envy.
Studies in 1 Peter 5
Mom the Queen of the Home
CD816 Prov 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The woman effects the reputation of the home!
Broken Thing / Brokenness
CD814 If we are dead to our selves it yields brokenness, and a reliance on God.
Maple Tree’s, Mulch Piles, and Root Issues
CD811 Are there root issues in our lives? Our we letting God uncover and fix the root problem.
Marks of Spiritual Maturity
CD810 –
A Surrendered Heart
CD 809 A surrendered heart. Is our treasure on things above? Are we surrendered and pulling in the yoke with Christ.
Signs that the end is near.
CD807 Signs that the end is near. He will come as a thief in the night to those that are not right with him. Are we ready watching and waiting? for the end is at hand .
Chastisement From The Lord
CD805 – May we not despise God’s chastisement in our lives, but embrace it.
An Example of The Believers
CD796 – May our lives be an example that passes on the faith to others around us.
4 Heart Conditions
CD795 The 4 Heart Conditions are found in Matt 13:4-8. They are #1 Wayside\Hard heart. #2 Stony Ground\Shallow heart. #3 Thorns\Distracted heart. #4 Good Ground\Good and Honest heart