Sermons by Mark Miller (Page 5)
Elder at Faith Christian Fellowship
The Cross
A teaching on taking up the cross in our everyday life.
Early Church Christianity
CD 527 Early Church Christianity: We must have a strong personal commitment, True brotherhood!!
The Gift of Tongues
CD 520
CD 515 Are you using your money in a way that’s building God’s Kingdom, or laying up treasures here on the earth?
Hunger & Thirst after Righteousness
CD 511 What is our spiritual hunger level? God promises that those who hunger after Him will be filled.
The Permanence of Marriage
CD 506 What is Marriage?
Headship Order & Covering
CD 505
Keep the Traditions
CD 502
The Father Heart of God
CD 498….Our view of God affects the way that we respond to the very difficult things we all face in life…..
The Holy Nature of God
CD 496 God is a Holy God and expects Holiness in the lives that we live for Him….!!
The Authority of the Word of God
CD 492 God brought the children of Israel the Red Sea. All his promises are kept…
There is no reason for us not to trust Him today!!
The Value of the Church
CD 479
Qualifications of a Deacon
CD 474
Vineyard on a Very Fruitful Hill
CD 470
Baptism of: Water, Holy Ghost, Fire
CD 436
CD 432
Difficult Forgiveness
CD 425
Causes of Rebellion in Children & Youth
CD 411
Prevention in the Church
CD 1014