Sermons by Mark Miller (Page 4)
Elder at Faith Christian Fellowship
#3. My Son, Give Me Thine Heart
CD 462 There are many ways parents can win their children’s hearts, making for better relationships and being able to lead and guide them in Christ’s way.
#4. Our Youth, Making Disciples
CD 468 Guiding principles in conveying Godly, personal convictions with our youth. Forming a solid foundation that will produce good fruit.
#5. From Pure Innocence to Conversion (Parents Only)
CD 10
#6. A Titus 2 Women
CD 439
#7. Young Men
CD 449 A Message To Young Men
The Sin of Capernaum
CD610 Matthew 11:23 And thou Capernaum , which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained unto this day. The sin of Spiritual Pride.
Teachings of Jesus
CD 607 Practical teachings and group discussion from the Sermon on the Mount.
The Effect of Technology on the Family
Teachings of Jesus
CD 601 Practical teachings and group discussion from the Sermon on the Mount.
Our View of God, Will…
CD 597 Our view of God will directly affect the way we live our lives.
Marriage Roles
CD589 The different roles that a husband and a wife fulfill in a marriage relationship.
What would it look like?
CD 584 Where is your treasure and what does it look like?
Gifts In The Church Body
CD 579 Romans 12 – Everyone who has the Spirit of God has at least one specific gift. Our gifts cause us to have different ways of looking at the needs around us, and a different way of ministering to them. Every gift is needed to bring a balanced and complete work of the Holy Spirit in the church.
Embracing Real Christianity Unashamedly
CD 573 Our human nature tends to be ashamed of embracing Real Christianity.
Qualifications For Elders
CD 670 A look at biblical qualifications for elders.
Enter Into Sabbath Rest
CD560 We often carry burdens through life that weigh us down. We need to bring them to the Lord and put our trust and confidence in him. God’s ways are higher then ours, and are often hard to understand. If we allow him, he will work things out for us.
Leading A Person Through Conversion
CD553 How to help others in seeking God for conversion. Practical teaching on how to lead them through repentance, believing in Jesus for salvation, and then bringing them to a place of being born again by God’s Spirit.
What is Salvation ?
CD 551 Salvation is a change of heart, desire’s, and filling of God’s Spirit.
The Work of The Holy Spirit
CD 549 God wants to lead us with the Holy Spirit but we must be surrendered to Him.
The Work Of The Holy Spirit
CD 545 What is the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”? Is it possible to be born again without having the Holy Spirit dwell in our heart? How does being filled with the Holy Spirit change our lives?