Peace Be still
Homeschool convention 2023 opening message
Creating an Atmosphere of Peace
Homeschool Convention 2023. How can we as parents create a Peaceful atmosphere in the home? How does our priorities affect this?
Training Children
Homeschool Convention 2023. Teaching on practical Child training in the home!
Whose Church Is It?
CD842 Each Church has its own culture. Culture is not wrong. You will have it but, we need to learn to work together.
I Know Thy Works
CD 841 Do we still have our first love?
Haiti Kidnapping Experience
Ask, Seek, Knock
CD 840 By following these things it can bring us closer to God, He is waiting for us to come to Him. We must give Him our all.
The Word of Grace
We need to recognize that God’s grace is for us in every situation. As we draw closer to God, his grace is multiplied within us.
A Vision For Life
CD838 If we want to walk with God, we need to be at a place where we can see the holiness of God and our own undoneness.
Blessed, According to Jesus
Ahithophel-an Example of Bitterness
CD 836
The Mercy of God
CD835 The Mercy of God. His Mercy is new every morning!
The Conscience of Man
CD834 – God gave us a conscience, but it can be seared with a hot iron, or can be oversensitive. – We need it to be sensitive to what God wants us to be sensitive to, but not in an oversensitive way.
The Meekness of Christ
CD 833 Christ is the perfect example of meekness, all of his strength was under the control and direction of the father. Meekness brings joy and blessing into our lives.
Brethren in Unity
CD #832 (We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12)
Humbling ourselves to God.
CD831. Humbling ourselves to God. We need Humility to walk with God, we need Humility when we have done our all and then get criticized, as Christians we must have Humility. Jesus said, take my yoke upon me and learn of me for I am meek and lowly.
Water of Life
Sitting Walking and Standing Part 2
CD829 Standing against the wiles of the devil, he tries to draw us away from God. The devil knows our strong and weak points and uses them to his advantage.
Girding up the loins of your Mind.
CD828 Allowing our wives/family or other people to speak into our lives, and Learning to Submit to Authority and trusting, and believing, and embracing God’s Truth. Are some Key element to Girding up the loins of your Mind.
Troubled Waters
Cd 827