CD 878 ;
Various Testimony’s
Salt and Light
CD876. Jesus is the way, truth and the light. The people that we interact with should be able to taste God in us.
Prayer our link to God
CD875 Prayer our link to God. Prayer is an essential part of our Spiritual life. If we want to Hear from God and know what he wants for us we must be Praying.
Things That God Hates
CD 874; Hypocrisy, immorality, and spiritual pride; the Bible is our foundation and we must not let these sins dominate our lives. God asks us to be clear before Him, withholding nothing.
The Lords Day
CD 873; Where one or two are gathered, there is God also. The Lord’s Day was born of a reverence in remembrance of the resurrection.
A Finger or a Hand (Ministers of Reconciliation)
CD872; If we have been reconciled to God, we are called to be ambassadors to the world. Are we extending a hand of mercy, or are we pointing a finger of judgment?
Becoming A pillar in the Church
CD871; There are different types of people in the Church. Some are floaters and, some are critical but, we need to be pillars in the Church.
There is a Place of Quiet Rest
CD870; People try to find rest by taking long vacations or by doing something they enjoy but, that always ends. As followers of Jesus we know of a place that has never ending rest.
Strive to Enter In
CD869; Much like training for a triathlon, we must dedicate ourselves to following Christ. If we do not live according to the life of Christ we cannot expect to enter in.
The God of the Impossible
CD868; The many miracles performed in God’s name are evidence for his ability to perform the impossible, and if we fully surrender ourselves to him he will transform our lives in a way that is impossible by ourselves.
The Unseachable Riches of Christ
CD866; Ephesians 3:8-9 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; 9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:
Perfection in the Eyes of God
CD865; If we are resisting God’s direction for us, we will miss the goal of perfection in our lives through God. We should base our lives off of the example of Jesus’ life and be in total submission.
The Power of Music Language #4
Doctrine – Our Guide for Our Spiritual Life #4
The Fire of Persecution
The Power of Music Language #3
Doctrine – Our Guide for Our Spiritual Life #3
A Fire That Energizes #2
CD 860