The Soul That Loves Reproof
CD 581 Proverbs 9:9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
He Is Risen
CD580 Jesus is Risen! Our lives should reflect the power and glory of the resurrection.
Gifts In The Church Body
CD 579 Romans 12 – Everyone who has the Spirit of God has at least one specific gift. Our gifts cause us to have different ways of looking at the needs around us, and a different way of ministering to them. Every gift is needed to bring a balanced and complete work of the Holy Spirit in the church.
Have You Been Bitten?
CD 578 Sin separates us from God. Sin in our lives is like a snake bite, deadly unless treated.
Forgiveness – The Key to Deliverance
CD 577 If we Forgive others our Heavenly Father will also Forgive us. If we hold a grudge against someone else we will only hurt ourselves and our Relationship with God. Do we Forgive others?
Is Your Mind Renewed?
CD 576 Just because we’re converted doesn’t mean we won’t face temptations and wrong thoughts we struggled with before conversion. We must renew our minds by taking every thought captive. 2 Cor. 10:5
Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens
CD 575 Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. We fulfill the law of love when we help others with their burdens in personal, family, and church life…. Can we open ourselves and allow others to help bear our burdens?
Are You Walking In The Spirit?
CD574 Are You Walking In The Spirit? Can the Spirit freely speak into your life to give you direction for everyday life? Do you have an open teachable spirit or is your heart hardened to the still small voice?
The Reality of Death
Embracing Real Christianity Unashamedly
CD 573 Our human nature tends to be ashamed of embracing Real Christianity.
It is Finished
CD 572 The most important phrase in the Bible, It is Finished.
Qualifications For Elders
CD 670 A look at biblical qualifications for elders.
The Work of an Elder
CD 569 A practical message on the work of an Elder in the Church
Patriarch David
CD 568 A look into David’s life, and his faithfulness to God thru difficult circumstances.
A Tuned Ear
CD 567 6 thing that either help or hinder our spiritual hearing.
A Vision
CD 566 Where there is no vision, the people perish… We need a vision (revelation) from God for our marriages, homes, churches, communities.
Love Has Action
CD 565 Love looks for the best in others, it affects our relationships with the brotherhood, marriage, family, and neighbors.
Are You Addicted?
CD 564 Are You Addicted?
A Secret That Kills (Hidden Sin)
CD 563 Is there hidden sin in your life? God’s word says in Luke 12, there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known .
The Coming of the Lord
CD 562 Matt 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.