CD 923
Your Willingness to Follow Christ
I Must Die
CD 921
Spending or Being Spent
CD 920
You are What Your Concept of God Is
The Will of God
CD 918; At the base of the will of God is love, we are to walk in love as Christ walked in love. Being in the will of God is asking God what He wants for us instead of forcing our own way.
A Builder or a Hindrance?
CD 917 Are we helping build God’s Kingdom here on earth or are we being a hindrance to those around us
The Mystery of God’s Love
CD 916; Without God’s love mankind is bound for destruction and ruin. God’s love is like an ocean, you can see its beginning but not its end.
Oneness & free from Offenses
CD915 Offenses are a big deal to God, it’s important if we have offenses to take care of them right away and not let offenses be in our lives
The Voice of God
CD914 Learning how to listen to Gods voice in our daily lives.
Examples of Prayer
CD913 As we press toward the mark, is prayer and spending time with God, a vital part of our lives???
Perseverance & Commitments
Perseverance in our walk with God!! Keeping the commitments that we are called to keep!! CD 911
Getting the Heart of Scriptured Biblical Principle
CD 909
Saints or Sinners
CD 910 There are only two Identity’s that we can identify with, either a Saint or Sinner, who are you identifying with?
Examining Ourselves
As we go about life it’s important to take time from our busy schedule and examine our lives to make sure we are where we want to be in our Spiritual Life
The Work of the Ministry
CD 907, Every person in the Body of Christ is to be engaged in ministry. God has given each of us gifts and abilities that are useful and edifying to the church.
The “Education” of our Children
CD 906; Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. – Socrates the education of our children can not be pushed aside, Education is unfathomably valuable.
Examining the Worship Service Mentality
If you look at the history of the church, the very concept of worship has been changing steadily. The concept we have now did not exist in the past.
Called to be a Minister; The Trial ;The Opportunity
CD904; If we use trials as a way to refine us, and try to see it from Gods point of view, it will help us to draw closer to God. God has a purpose and a work for every one of us.
House of the Unripe Fig