#4. Our Youth, Making Disciples
CD 468 Guiding principles in conveying Godly, personal convictions with our youth. Forming a solid foundation that will produce good fruit.
#5. From Pure Innocence to Conversion (Parents Only)
CD 10
#6. A Titus 2 Women
CD 439
#7. Young Men
CD 449 A Message To Young Men
The Sin of Capernaum
CD610 Matthew 11:23 And thou Capernaum , which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained unto this day. The sin of Spiritual Pride.
God – Our Father
CD 609 God desires to be a father to his children. As his children we should desire to know his will for our life.
Enemies of the Soul “The World”
CD 608 A Battlefield or a Playground
Teachings of Jesus
CD 607 Practical teachings and group discussion from the Sermon on the Mount.
Are You A Man of Prayer?
CD 606
Having Temperance
CD605 Are you living a temperate, self controlled life.
The Act of Giving
CD 604 The act of giving. Our Time our Worship etc. What are you Giving to God?
The Effect of Technology on the Family
Faithfulness is Fruitfulness
Obedience to the Bible is not Legalism
What Must I Do to be Saved?
Pride, Selfishness & Servanthood
Lawlessness in the Last Days
How to Overcome or Call Sin,Sin
Called, Chosen, and Faithful
CD 603 Every one of us is called by God. When we confess our sins and believe on Jesus, we become chosen. Will we be faithful?
Enemies of the Soul, The Carnal Mind
CD 602 The Carnal Mind is a enemy to our spiritual life, but God has given us the tools to overcome our carnal nature.