Freedom from the Law
CD 626 What is freedom? What are we free from? What is the yoke of bondage? We are free from the law so that we can joined unto Jesus and walk with him in the Spirit. We walk not after the flesh but by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Discipline in the Church
CD 625 Is Church discipline positive or negative? Although church discipline is often done in a negative way, God has given it to be a positive thing for us. There are many negative ways to use church discipline including using fear, condemnation, punishment rather than correctional and restorative, and for nonbiblical reasons. There are nine different positive ways that…
Husbands Love your Wives
CD624 Marriage is a life long commitment, Husbands must love their wives even as Christ loved the church.
God – Our Peace
CD 623 God is our peace through salvation, he is also our peace for things we face in life.
The Song of the Redeemed
CD 622 Rev 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
Doctrines and Commandments of Men
CD621 Doctrines and commandments of men are interpretations of scripture, that make void other scriptures. It is a laying aside of God’s Commandments, and a setting up of traditions that takes away the power of God’s Word.
Covenants – Old vs New (part 1)
CD620 God’s Covenant with various people in the Old Testament vs The New Covenant with the Church.
Walking by Faith, and not by Sight
CD 619. While we look not at the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
The Christian Soldier
CD 618 Spiritual comparisons from earthly soldiers.
Rest For The Soul
A ministry CD by Faith Christian Fellowship
Enemies of the Soul “Dishonesty”
CD 617 Dishonesty will separate us from God, and our relationships with others. The key to overcome dishonesty is to live a honest open life.
God – Our Saviour
CD 616 God has given us the free gift of salvation through His Son, we can’t earn our salvation through works but by believing God’s word in faith, which will produce Godly works in our lives.
The Church – God’s Place of Habitation
CD615 Although God dwells with each person individually, his heart has always been to have a group of people where he can make his habitation. A place where his people can live together in love and peace, a place that he can fulfill the needs of every individual.
The Confusion Of The Charismatic Gifts
CD 614 Why are there Gifts that the Bible teaches about, that we don’t see exercised? Are we looking for mystical gifts or for a practical outworking of God’s Spirit in our everyday life?
Eternal vs Temporal
CD 613 2 Corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Faith – Love – Brotherhood
CD 612 Where there is Faith, Love and Brotherhood; there is A Trust, Peace and Rest.
The Offender and The Offended
CD 611 What does Jesus tell us to do when we have offended someone? What does he say we should do when we are offended by someone else? What are the consequences if we fail to follow his direction?
#1. Molding A Child’s Character (Part 1)
CD 455 Do you have your children’s hearts? Training your children and winning their hearts at a young age is a key for good relationships when they’re older.
#2. Molding A Child’s Character (Part 2 )
CD 458 Do you have your children’s hearts? Training your children and winning their hearts at a young age is a key for good relationships when they’re older.
#3. My Son, Give Me Thine Heart
CD 462 There are many ways parents can win their children’s hearts, making for better relationships and being able to lead and guide them in Christ’s way.