The Old Path
CD 644 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way and walk therein. Jeremiah 6:16a
You Are What Your Concept of God Is
CD 643 Our concept of God is very important, it determines how we view Him and the way we live our lives.
The Deceitful Thread of Religion
CD 642 Dead religion is a list of things that people need to do or things that they can’t do, in order to get by in life, and hope it will get them to Heaven. True religion is a relationship with Jesus that cleanses us from sin and changes us from the inside out.
The Full Gospel
Am I living the full Gospel? Are we following all the teachings of jesus in a practical way….are we obeying all of Jesus commandments ??? Or just the ones we want to?
Does it Really Matter?
cd 640 Does it really matter how much I pray? Does it really matter what I think about? And the list goes on and on but most importantly does it matter if I am Born again…… Are we humble enough to give up our own will and ask God for help……
A Youth That Is Sold Out
CD 639 What does a sold out youth look like? What if you would be beaten and tortured for you faith? Would you be faithful to the end…..We need to be willing and ready to do whatever the Lord has for our life…..
Is Thine Eye Evil Because Mine Is Good?
CD 638 Are you content with what God has given you or do you have jealousy in your heart?
Blessed are they that Mourn Limited Time Offer !!
CD 637 Matt 5:4 Blessed are those that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
What Are You Thinking About?
CD 636 How would it make you feel if all of your thoughts were put on a screen for everyone to see? Are you taking your thoughts captive?
Living Circumspectly
CD 635 Are we living carelessly? Do we walk into traps that the enemy has for us? If we walk in the Spirit we will be cautious and on guard. God has made a way of escape for us and will help us be victorious.
Unity In The Church
Unity in the Church is very precious, Are we willing give up everything for it? The world needs to see a church that truly loves each other !!
Wives be in Subjection to your Husbands
CD 633 A wife that respects and honors her husband has a positive influence on him. Her tongue creates an atmosphere and aroma that brings God’s Blessing on the Home. Be joyful, have purpose, be motivated, energetic, flexible, inspiring, and loving.
Worship… For He is Worthy
CD 632 What does worship look like? True worship is surrendering our will to God’s will, and recognizing that His way is best.
Covenants, Old vs New (Part 2)
CD 631 God has given us a new covenant where his laws are written on our hearts, God has fulfilled his part of the covenant, are we fulfilling our part?
An Honor to the Mothers
CD630 Lifting up the beauty of Mothers, and God’s plan for them…. Mothers have a foundational impact on the lives of her children. God has a special place for a mother in the home that only she can fill. Mothers are worthy of being honored…
The Yoke of Christ
How Is Your Speech?
CD 630
Will Your Anchor Hold?
CD 629
How Should We Respond To Coronavirus?
CD 628
2 Peter 3 (an expository sermon)
CD 627 An expository sermon from 2 Peter 3. We need to be ready for the second coming of Christ. He is coming soon!