The Clay of the Potter’s Vessel
CD 662 What kind of clay are you? Are you easily shaped into the vessel that God has planned for you to be? Are you a useful vessel for God? Can we trust God with the things he is doing in our lives? God is above all and he has a sovereign will for everyone of us.
Leading a person to Salvation
Experiences In Zanzibar
CD 661 Blessings and challenges in witnessing to the Muslim people of Zanzibar.
CD660 (WE) are the body of christ!! Every part of the body is VERY important…we must learn to love and appreciate each gift that God has put in the church.
I Will See Your Face No More
CD 659 Generations come and go. Changes in life will come. How can we have a long term vision that will help us to walk with the Lord in simple obedience? There are many things that have caused casualties in families and personal lives…. Can we have a heart that says “God how can I be more like you?” “How can I be more filled with your…
CD 658 Lucifer was cast out of heaven because of his OWN will. Are we dying to self daily? True life comes when we yield to Jesus Christ.
Aspirations for our Youth
CD 657 A encouragement to youth to press on and grow in their spiritual life…
What were they looking at?
CD 656 What are you focused on?? In this time that we live in there are many things to shift our focus off of God…..But it is of utmost importance that we keep our gaze fixed on God!!
Are You Consumed?
CD 655 What are you consumed with? Are our lives consumed with God and our relationship with him? If you are consumed with sin and covetousness, we will eventually be consumed by God’s judgement?
The Pursuit of God
CD 654 How much effort are we putting into the pursuit of God ? Are we content to just stay where we are, or do we want to know what the will of God is for us?
What Is Truth?
CD 653 Pilate asked this question and it is still relevant in our day. We need to seek the truth, buy the truth, and stand firm in the truth.
Practical ways to witness
Practical teaching on street witnessing
God of the Impossibles
Cd 652 Look at what God has done in creating the earth, creating the heavens, the flood, sending his son into the earth through a virgin!! And many many other miracles that are impossible for us as humans… Most importantly God worked the miracle of salvation… Our God can do anything, even if it looks impossible to us…
Canaanland Christianity
CD 651 Are we striving together towards the Kingdom of God?? The enemy would like to wear out the Christians. Its time to know God in a deeper way. We need work together as a body having a respect for our leaders.
The Word of The Lord was Precious
CD650 Is the Word of the Lord Precious to you?
The Torment of Hell
CD 649 The Bible has many warnings about hell. It is a real, eternal place of torment and suffering. We have the opportunity to repent today. We need to prepare to meet God, we are living in the day of God’s Grace.
Jesus, the Way
CD 648 We have a great need for a Savior. Jesus is the only way to salvation and holiness. When we open our life to him he will change every part of us.
Last Days Instructions
Cd647 Are we prepared for persecution? We are Living in the last days not knowing when God will return.. The enemy is trying hard to get us down…. We need to be closely connected with God or we will fall……
Choose Ye This Day
CD646 Do you have a commitment to God that you and your family will serve him no matter what may come in your life? If we are faithful to him we will hear the words ” Well done thou good and faithful servant”.
I Am Not Ashamed
CD 645 Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.