She Had Done What She Could
She had done all that she could for Jesus. Are we doing all we can?
Your Journey with the Bible (part 3)
Youth Bible School 2021 Cultivating a hunger and expectancy for the Living Word.
The Value of Purity
Youth Bible School 2021, ”The Value of Purity,” Purity is something that largely determines where you end up in life. There are a lot of people that under estimate the value of Purity, God wants us as Christians to be Holy and Pure.
The Valley of Dry Bones
Youth Bible School 2021 Are you in need of revival? Is your life like a valley of dry bones? Jesus will fill us with life as we seek him.
Why Honor My Parents?
Youth Bible School 2021 We must choose to honor our parents and keep building our relationship with them. Parents are a great treasure from God, and we receive many blessings if we have a good relationship with them.
Your Journey with the Bible (part 2)
Youth Bible School 2021 Cultivating a hunger and expectancy for the Living Word.
How Shall We Escape If We Neglect So Great A Salvation?
Youth Bible School 2021 God is looking for people who are pure, without spot or wrinkle. Have you surrendered everything to him? Will we be faithful to him and willing to go wherever he leads?
Embracing Church Vision
Youth Bible School 2021 Where will you be when you are between 35 and 40 years old? It is important to have older people in our lives that we look up to and that inspire us to follow Christ.
Your Journey with the Bible (part 1)
Youth Bible School 2021 Cultivating a hunger and expectancy for the Living Word.
An open Heart to God.
CD675, Do we have an open heart to God? If we do we will do what God asks of us, and there will be great rewards. On the other hand if we don’t, there will be darkness, coldness, and a hardness that God cannot use.
God Fearing Young Men
CD 674 The decisions that we make between the age of 13 and 22 will have a huge impact on the rest of our life. We need to open our heart to God and consciously decide to do his will. It will lay a solid foundation for the rest of our life.
Be not Soon Shaken in Mind
CD673 In the last days many shall be deceived…What is gonna keep us from getting deceived?? We have everything we need to have discernment what is right and wrong. We must align everything with Gods word.
Overcoming The Struggle
CD 672 What can we do to have victory and get to the other side of our struggle? Matthew 7, we need to ask, seek, and knock. God will help us overcome as we ask in faith and we open our lives to him.
Helping Each Other Along
CD 671 God is calling us all to a closer walk with God… Which means walking in humility and brokenness before God and our brothers. We all need each others input and direction in each others lives..
The Child Likeness of a Believer
The word of God speaks of becoming as a child. Becoming as a child in humility, faith, forgiveness…………………
New Things
Finding encouragement by digging into a variety of different “New Things” that are talked about throughout the Word of God!
One Thing
CD667 Seven “One Things” from the Bible
First one…………….Joshua 23:14 ….not “One Thing” has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you….
Christian Holidays From God or Pagan?
What is Christmas and How should we celebrate it?
Jesus “The Truth”
CD 664 Jesus is the very foundation of truth. All of what we know to be true, comes from and rests upon him. We should not lean upon our own understanding but search the Bible for what is really truth.
CD663 We need to be totally broken and surrendered Before God!! When we are at that place is when he can move and work through our lives…