The Song of the Redeemed
CD 696 There is a song that only those who have been delivered can sing. Sometimes it comes easily and sometimes we need to make a choice to turn our hearts to God in song. Singing is an important part of our walk with God. If you have been forgiven.. Sing!!
Purpose of the Church
CD695. Purpose of the Church, what is the purpose of the Church? What should the Church be? How should a Church function? It should be a place where the word is preached and taught, where people are nourished and strengthened, A place of unity and working together, A place of openness and brotherhood…. etc.
The Key to Not Being Offended
CD 694 Our pride and selfishness makes us easily offended. We need to be humble and forgive others readily. God will give us the grace if we seek him. The Love of God is what will carry us through
Freedom Indeed
CD 693 Are you free? Jesus paid the price for our freedom and it is only through him that we can be free.
Servants of our Eternal Father!
CD692. Servants of our Eternal Father, God is without beginning or end he is Eternal! let’s serve him with our whole heart. you are always serving something or someone What are you serving? Why are you serving?
Anger, Frustration, Impatience,Sullenness
CD691 Anger, Frustration, Impatience, Sullenness… These things are a work of the flesh, not of the spirit. Let us as Christians put these things away. Honesty and openness are some ways we will be able to walk in victory in these areas.
Wheat or Tares?
CD 690
How Am I Building?
CD689. How are we building? A building will only last as long as the foundation. Just like our spiritual lives, Are we truly grounded on Jesus Christ? What are we building with?
Personal testimony of Joe and Iva Mast
Passing The Tests
CD 688 What happens when you face challenges in life? Do you feel God’s presence? Are you allowing his grace to carry you through to victory?
The House of God
CD687 God would like to live inside each one of us individually!! This is a very holy calling, let us live and walk in the spirit so that we together, can be the house of God.
Outward Adornment
God’s view of modesty
Signs of the Last Days
CD685 What are the signs of the last days? What will people be like? What will people do?
Love The Lord Your God
CD684. Why do we love God? Because he first loved us… God wants all of our love for him, how would you feel if your marriage partner would be unfaithful to you? That is how God feels when we are unfaithful to him… Gods desire is to have all of our heart, soul, mind and strength devoted to him and doing his will.
Repentance According to God’s Standard
CD 682
Lifting up the Hands of Your Elders
CD 681 What can we do to support those who are laboring in God’s Kingdom? Elders need to have support and encouragement from everyone. We can make a big difference by the way we relate to them.
Whom Are You Serving?
CD680. Whom are you serving ? Is a real question because it will determine where you will spend Eternity!! Maybe there is sin in your life , or maybe there is something you haven’t surrendered to God, or something you just can’t quite give up?
Inward Adornment
CD 679 Practical applications of inward adornment.
Ambassadors for Christ
CD678 Are we representing Christ in our community?
Building Up or Tearing Down?
CD 677 What are your words doing? Are they pleasant, gracious, and seasoned properly? Or are they flattering, bitter, or hasty?