Sermons on The Mind
Thine Heart was Lifted Up
CD887 Pride is something everyone faces, it effects how we go about life and how we relate to people
Girding up the loins of your Mind.
CD828 Allowing our wives/family or other people to speak into our lives, and Learning to Submit to Authority and trusting, and believing, and embracing God’s Truth. Are some Key element to Girding up the loins of your Mind.
CD 720 It is not a sin to be tempted, but it depends how we respond to it. God’s word shows us how we can overcome.
The Value of Purity
Youth Bible School 2021, ”The Value of Purity,” Purity is something that largely determines where you end up in life. There are a lot of people that under estimate the value of Purity, God wants us as Christians to be Holy and Pure.
Be not Soon Shaken in Mind
CD673 In the last days many shall be deceived…What is gonna keep us from getting deceived?? We have everything we need to have discernment what is right and wrong. We must align everything with Gods word.
What Are You Thinking About?
CD 636 How would it make you feel if all of your thoughts were put on a screen for everyone to see? Are you taking your thoughts captive?