Sermons on The Church
Preparing for the End
CD 938; God gave each one of us different talents and wants us to use them for His glory.
The Work of the Ministry
CD 907, Every person in the Body of Christ is to be engaged in ministry. God has given each of us gifts and abilities that are useful and edifying to the church.
Examining the Worship Service Mentality
If you look at the history of the church, the very concept of worship has been changing steadily. The concept we have now did not exist in the past.
How Together We Should Be
CD 899
The Cost of Being a Believer
CD886; Our view of Christianity and the suffering we go though is nothing compared to what the Christians in the early church gave. We need to have a strong commitment to God and be willing to give everything for Him.
Salt and Light
CD876. Jesus is the way, truth and the light. The people that we interact with should be able to taste God in us.
The Lords Day
CD 873; Where one or two are gathered, there is God also. The Lord’s Day was born of a reverence in remembrance of the resurrection.
Becoming A pillar in the Church
CD871; There are different types of people in the Church. Some are floaters and, some are critical but, we need to be pillars in the Church.
The Ekklesia Church Assembly Part 2
CD852 Jesus specifically told us to take up our yokes and follow Him. We should have a dependance on Him like sheep do to a shepherd.
Ekklesia (Part 1)
What is the Church
Whose Church Is It?
CD842 Each Church has its own culture. Culture is not wrong. You will have it but, we need to learn to work together.
Brethren in Unity
CD #832 (We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12)
The Kingdom Now
CD-792 Are we living our lives in God’s kingdom, right now, as God intends for us to?
The Preeminence of Christ – Pt. 1
CD787 – And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. Colossians 1:18
The Jealousy of God
CD 751 I am the Lord, and beside me there is no saviour. Is 43:11
We are a chosen people.
CD749 We are a chosen people living in this World, but not for this World. 1 Peter 2:9
Challenges Facing The Church Today. (part 2)
CD734 Today ( THE CHURCH ) is being faced with challenges like never before. How are we handling these things. Technology, how are we doing with it? are we being being influenced slowly? Gods heart is that there be unity in the church, There is POWER in unity.
Challenges Facing The Church Today
CD 729 Four things that the church is facing today. 1. Money and Effluence 2. Protestant and Evangelical teaching pushing in.3. Technology 4. Dead Formalism and Piety that rejects structure.
Qualifications for Bishops / Elders
CD 719. These Qualifications are for elders but each one of us can take these for for our own lives and keep on Growing in our personal lives because this is Gods heart for Everybody…
Purpose of the Church
CD695. Purpose of the Church, what is the purpose of the Church? What should the Church be? How should a Church function? It should be a place where the word is preached and taught, where people are nourished and strengthened, A place of unity and working together, A place of openness and brotherhood…. etc.