Sermons on Salvation
Possessing the Land of Canaan
CD 935; We often want to just stand to the side and tell God that He can take care of our problems, when God actually wants to use us through our actions.
The Song of Moses and of The Lamb
CD 934; The Israelites had troubles even after the song of Moses was sung; but we, as Christians, will no longer face troubles once we sing the song of the Lamb.
Crucified to the World
Salvation is of the Lord (Part 2)
CD 890
Salvation is of the Lord (Part 1)
CD 889
The Salvation of your Soul
CD885 We can’t do enough good to enter Heaven, we need God’s forgiveness to wash our sins away.
Strive to Enter In
CD869; Much like training for a triathlon, we must dedicate ourselves to following Christ. If we do not live according to the life of Christ we cannot expect to enter in.
The End of the Broad Way #1
CD 857
How Great A Salvation
CD854; God wants us to have an urgency to becoming clear with God and repenting for our sins, but our human nature tends to push these things aside.
Why we Need the Cross
CD 849 The cross is an object of continuous spiritual death by our choice. We must daily be taking up our cross, choosing to follow Christ’s example.
A Great Salvation
CD 768
The Resurrection
CD744 Sin lets us in the grave, but Jesus takes us out
Baptism the Completion of Conversion
CD,717. Baptism the Completion of Conversion. What is Baptism, what does it mean, and what is it for?
Repentance According to God’s Standard
CD 682
Leading a person to Salvation
Jesus, the Way
CD 648 We have a great need for a Savior. Jesus is the only way to salvation and holiness. When we open our life to him he will change every part of us.
Rest For The Soul
A ministry CD by Faith Christian Fellowship
What Must I Do to be Saved?
Enemies of the Soul ,Satan, A Defeated Foe
CD 598 Satan is out to Steal, Kill, and Destroy. But he was Defeated when Jesus died on the cross
God’s Work of Salvation
CD 583 1st – God sent his Son Jesus who was the Son of God and of Abraham to be the fulfillment of his covenant. 2nd – God’s work in people’s lives today to bring them to salvation. 3rd – How we can be involved in God’s work in the people around us.
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