Sermons on The Gospel
Preparing for the End
CD 938; God gave each one of us different talents and wants us to use them for His glory.
Possessing the Land of Canaan
CD 935; We often want to just stand to the side and tell God that He can take care of our problems, when God actually wants to use us through our actions.
The Song of Moses and of The Lamb
CD 934; The Israelites had troubles even after the song of Moses was sung; but we, as Christians, will no longer face troubles once we sing the song of the Lamb.
Fear the Lord thy God and Serve Him
CD 932; There is a difference between serving God and doing service, to serve God you have to be willing to suffer and give up your Self.
Crucified to the World
The Master Key
CD 925
The Work of the Ministry
CD 907, Every person in the Body of Christ is to be engaged in ministry. God has given each of us gifts and abilities that are useful and edifying to the church.
Examining the Worship Service Mentality
If you look at the history of the church, the very concept of worship has been changing steadily. The concept we have now did not exist in the past.
How Together We Should Be
CD 899
Walk As He Walked
CD 892
Salvation is of the Lord (Part 2)
CD 890
Salvation is of the Lord (Part 1)
CD 889
Thine Heart was Lifted Up
CD887 Pride is something everyone faces, it effects how we go about life and how we relate to people
The Cost of Being a Believer
CD886; Our view of Christianity and the suffering we go though is nothing compared to what the Christians in the early church gave. We need to have a strong commitment to God and be willing to give everything for Him.
The Salvation of your Soul
CD885 We can’t do enough good to enter Heaven, we need God’s forgiveness to wash our sins away.
One Thing Have I Desired
CD 881; What are we doing in the struggle against evil and sin, do we shrink away or do we use the strength that God provides to go out in the world and make a difference.
? Walked with God
CD 880; Could someone look at you and truthfully say that you walk with God? Know what you believe and know God.
CD 878 ;
Salt and Light
CD876. Jesus is the way, truth and the light. The people that we interact with should be able to taste God in us.
The Lords Day
CD 873; Where one or two are gathered, there is God also. The Lord’s Day was born of a reverence in remembrance of the resurrection.