Sermons on Humility
The Master Key
CD 925
CD 878 ;
A Finger or a Hand (Ministers of Reconciliation)
CD872; If we have been reconciled to God, we are called to be ambassadors to the world. Are we extending a hand of mercy, or are we pointing a finger of judgment?
Brethren in Unity
CD #832 (We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12)
Humbling ourselves to God.
CD831. Humbling ourselves to God. We need Humility to walk with God, we need Humility when we have done our all and then get criticized, as Christians we must have Humility. Jesus said, take my yoke upon me and learn of me for I am meek and lowly.
Broken Thing / Brokenness
CD814 If we are dead to our selves it yields brokenness, and a reliance on God.
A study on Biblical Brokenness
CD762 If we don’t have a broken heart we will most likely have broken relationships!
CD 757 Pride will affect our walk with God and our brothers. We need to humble ourselves in our daily life so that God’s blessing will rest upon us
The Meekness of Moses
CD704 What is Meekness??????
The Key to Not Being Offended
CD 694 Our pride and selfishness makes us easily offended. We need to be humble and forgive others readily. God will give us the grace if we seek him. The Love of God is what will carry us through
An open Heart to God.
CD675, Do we have an open heart to God? If we do we will do what God asks of us, and there will be great rewards. On the other hand if we don’t, there will be darkness, coldness, and a hardness that God cannot use.
Helping Each Other Along
CD 671 God is calling us all to a closer walk with God… Which means walking in humility and brokenness before God and our brothers. We all need each others input and direction in each others lives..
Blessed are they that Mourn Limited Time Offer !!
CD 637 Matt 5:4 Blessed are those that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Embracing Real Christianity Unashamedly
CD 573 Our human nature tends to be ashamed of embracing Real Christianity.
CD 555 We must deal with the root of the issue when there is strife between us if we want true peace among ourselves.
The Violent Take it By Force
CD 536 Monday Evening
Humility – A Christian Virtue
CD 516 What are we doing with the opportunity’s we have in daily life to exercise humility?
The Holy Nature of God
CD 496 God is a Holy God and expects Holiness in the lives that we live for Him….!!
A Treasure In an Earthen Vessel
CD493…God is looking for a humble vessel that he can use!!
CD 404