Sermons on Surrender
Possessing the Land of Canaan
CD 935; We often want to just stand to the side and tell God that He can take care of our problems, when God actually wants to use us through our actions.
First at Home
CD 931
Crucified to the World
Things That God Hates
CD 874; Hypocrisy, immorality, and spiritual pride; the Bible is our foundation and we must not let these sins dominate our lives. God asks us to be clear before Him, withholding nothing.
The God of the Impossible
CD868; The many miracles performed in God’s name are evidence for his ability to perform the impossible, and if we fully surrender ourselves to him he will transform our lives in a way that is impossible by ourselves.
Perfection in the Eyes of God
CD865; If we are resisting God’s direction for us, we will miss the goal of perfection in our lives through God. We should base our lives off of the example of Jesus’ life and be in total submission.
The Ekklesia Church Assembly Part 2
CD852 Jesus specifically told us to take up our yokes and follow Him. We should have a dependance on Him like sheep do to a shepherd.
Love Indeed
CD850 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength. This love is a key aspect of the Christian life.
Why we Need the Cross
CD 849 The cross is an object of continuous spiritual death by our choice. We must daily be taking up our cross, choosing to follow Christ’s example.
Faithfulness Where God has Planted Me
CD 843 We should be faithful where God has planted us, even if there seems to be no hope. Our dreams and ambitions are not always what God wants us to do.
The Root of Sin and Wickedness
CD822 The Root of Sin and Wickedness is the I will attitude… Let’s have our hearts surrendered to Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.
The Gain Of Contentment
CD 821 Godliness with contentment is great gain. If we have contentment we will not struggle with lust, coveting, and envy.
Broken Thing / Brokenness
CD814 If we are dead to our selves it yields brokenness, and a reliance on God.
A Surrendered Heart
CD 809 A surrendered heart. Is our treasure on things above? Are we surrendered and pulling in the yoke with Christ.
The Kingdom Now
CD-792 Are we living our lives in God’s kingdom, right now, as God intends for us to?
Studies in 1 Peter 3 V13-22
A study on Biblical Brokenness
CD762 If we don’t have a broken heart we will most likely have broken relationships!
A Personal Altar
CD 593 We must surrender anything that comes between us and God on the altar of our heart.
CD 550 We must be continually surrendering our will to God if we want to grow in our walk with him
The Work of The Holy Spirit
CD 549 God wants to lead us with the Holy Spirit but we must be surrendered to Him.
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