Ponder the path of Thy Feet
CD 946; We become the product of our thoughts and our thoughts become out actions. Do we allow our minds to freewheel or do we take our thoughts captive.
God, His Word, and His People
CD 945.
God, His Word, & His People
God Word is always true, and what are we willing to give up in for the word of God.
Meaningful Fellowship
CD 944 We were created to have fellowship with each other that’s why we long to be together with people, but are we doing our part in sacrificing to have a good relationship
Antichrists of Today
CD943 What is the antichrist? Looking into the dangers of the antichrists and how we should relate to them.
The Work of the Refining Fire
CD942 Examples from the life of Daniel, and lessons from maple syrup.
Think on these Things
CD941 What are you thinking about an average person thinks 40,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day, Our thoughts have consequences so its very important what we think on
Committed to the Covenant
CD 940; There are many different examples of commitment in the Bible. Joseph and Daniel were both very committed to God in every area of their lives.
Our Greatest Threat
CD 939 One of the greatest threats today is our personal walk with God, the world can so easy creep into our lives are we fully sold out to God or are we holding on to things of the World
Preparing for the End
CD 938; God gave each one of us different talents and wants us to use them for His glory.
That they may Know Thee…
CD937 We can never know God fully, what are we doing in response to that, are we doing everything we can to know him more?
God Renews and Restores
CD 936; God is a god of new beginnings and second chances, He has proved this over and over again throughout all of His interactions with man.
Possessing the Land of Canaan
CD 935; We often want to just stand to the side and tell God that He can take care of our problems, when God actually wants to use us through our actions.
The Song of Moses and of The Lamb
CD 934; The Israelites had troubles even after the song of Moses was sung; but we, as Christians, will no longer face troubles once we sing the song of the Lamb.
Emmanuel ” God with us”
CD933; There are time when trials and test come and we don’t sense that “God is with us” But we need to trust that God is with us because He said that He will be.
OBS Program
Fear the Lord thy God and Serve Him
CD 932; There is a difference between serving God and doing service, to serve God you have to be willing to suffer and give up your Self.
First at Home
CD 931
Walk with God
Crucified to the World